I really have so much to be thankful for today. After a few years of doing a quiet Thanksgiving with just the two of us and then last year joining some friends, we finally hosted Thanksgiving dinner for the first time. We kept it relatively small so that we didn't overwhelm ourselves with people, but it felt like we still managed to cook or prep for most of the 24 hours leading up to dinner and I've lost track of how many times we ran the dishwasher, but it was worth it! We had a great meal and a great time. And we got to
use our new plates!
It's been a really interesting year. There have been some downs, but a lot of ups and so many adventures. I'm grateful to be able to share it with Blake and Malcolm and the many friends we've made here, some who feel more like family now. I never would have predicted that I would end up living the life I am. It's more amazing than I even dreamed and I feel like it's just going to get better.
I made enough food to feed everyone and all our guests brought at least two more dishes each. There was a LOT of food and it was all amazing. Except the potatoes, which I somehow screwed up. Oh well! |
Pinterest worthy? Meh. But just right anyway. |
Virginia is allergic to poultry, so she didn't get any, and Malcolm didn't get any out of solidarity, but they still hung out under the table for much of the meal. |
Malcolm love attacks one of our guests. They had a nice snuggle after this. |
This isn't to say that there won't be hard times, but I have 100% success rate of getting through those before - I can get through whatever is next.
Life is good, friends. Life is really, really good.
Isn't it amazing how life tends to work out?
Thank you. Yes, it really is.
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