More weekends. More adventures.
I spent last weekend in the mountains running around dressed as a superhero. Some may say that makes me sound crazy. This may be true.

This last Friday night, I discovered that I can really get into drag racing.

They raced both cars and motorcycles. It was fascinating to see how slow the cars seemed after the bikes, but dang.
Saturday, I took advantage of the Smithsonian's Free Museum Day and visited the
Dumbarton House, a Federal Period historic house museum.

It didn't take long to tour, but it was still interesting. One of the docents showed me the china pattern specifically, which was designed by a cousin of the owners of the house during that time, which was fascinating. The walk through residential Georgetown wasn't so bad either.
I poked around at the
National Book Festival, but there wasn't anyone I was really interested in seeing. I intended to go to the Museum of Crime and Punishment, but since I was actually supposed to be spending the day with a friend who didn't make it and it's an interactive museum, I figured I'd have more fun with them at a later date. So, I got out of the half-block long queue, had some frozen yogurt that restored both my will to live and my willingness to let others do the same (I was a little tired and my feet were kind of hurty) and called it a day.

Or so I thought.
As I was driving home from the
Relief Society broadcast, the DJ on the radio said that caller 10 would win tickets to a Wizards game during the upcoming season. I thought "what the hey?" and dialed the number.
"Hello! Mix 107.3, who do we have on the line?"
"Um, Amanda. . ."
"Hi Amanda! Just give me a second to start the recording and then I'm going to make you look smart and me look dumb, and we'll get you hooked up with hose tickets. Okay?"
We then started the conversation over, recording it for playback after the song ended. He asked who I was again, what I was up to that evening (for the record, "just did a church thing and I'm now heading home for dinner" did not make it to playback, can't imagine why), and then the DJ asked.
"There is a video on our website called 'Take It Off.' If I asked you who the artist was, do you think you could tell me?"
"Oh no, I don't know that I could."
"I've got your back, I bet you can."
"Well then, if you've got my back, let's do it!"
"Haha! Great! Okay, who did the video 'Take It Off'? Was it A. the artist Ke$ha? B. [some joke answer]? or C. [another joke answer]?"
"Ha! Well, any one of those could be good possibilities
(DJ laughs), but I'm going to say A. Ke$ha."
"You're right! You've won a pair of tickets to a Wizards game!"
"Who hooked you up tonight?"
PANIC. What station am I listening to anyway? Glance at dashboard. "Mix 107.3!"
They played it back on the radio a few minutes later. That was really odd. I actually recorded a radio spot for one of my dad's clients a few years ago, and it was weird hearing my own voice then. I guess it always will be.
But hey! Wizards tickets are worth it!
[Confession: I remembered it was Ke$ha long before the silly options made it obvious.][Confession Part Deux: I have it in my collection.]