This week is my parents' 25th wedding anniversary. Congratulations! I'm so thrilled that I have parents who still love each other after this long. When I talked to my dad that day, he said the secret was never discussing the d-word, and how patient and forgiving my mom is. Aren't they cute?

They're off in Park City (where they celebrated their honeymoon in 1983), doing whatever it is couples do when they're celebrating anniversaries . . .
Of course, me wondering that is how I found out about it. One night, I was about 10, I think, my parents let me stay up a little later than the other two and then sat me down to talk to me.
Dad: Mom says you asked a question about sex the other day.
Me: (horrified) I did!?
Dad: You asked what couples did on their honeymoons.
Me: Oh yeah. (For the record, she said "Spend a lot of time together", and I was completely satisfied. I was even more satisfied now, and ready to move on with life.)
Dad: Yeah. So, we thought we'd let you have the opportunity to ask any question you want about it. We'll even give you ten cents for every question.
Me: Okay . . .
I can't remember what I asked (aside from the basics), but I do remember that I had to get out my Barbie and Ken dolls and I earned 70 cents. In all honesty, I'm glad my parents still, well, whatever. However, I just don't need to think about it. Sadly, both my siblings and I can relate to this picture, in one way or another.

Anywho, moving on.
My brother is the best brother ever. The teenage years were rough, but we all survived. I'm now happy to call him one of my best friends. He helped drive me across the country, which is still one of my favorite road trips, even if I slept a lot.

Additionally, he and I are both getting into the running thing. He's doing way better than me, and is training for the St. George Marathon this year, but we both encourage each other constantly. My dad put together this video of the half-marathon he ran whilst I was running my latest 5K. (Based on race times, we were running simultaneously for about 15 minutes.) 10 points if you can guess the artist of the first song, and pardon my dad's lack of camera skills.
So, my whole family rocks, and I can't wait to see them in 6 weeks!