Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Who run the world? Girls!

Hinamatsuri is also called a Girls' Day or Doll's Day in Japan and is celebrated on March 3. It seems to mostly be a day to celebrate the young girls in a Japanese family with food and drink and a special display of dolls. I don't have a young daughter or dolls to display, so instead I went to the Meguro Gajoen, a historical hotel in Tokyo, where they had an exhibition of historical dolls.

I couldn't take photos of the lovely exhibits (the above is on the way in), but the hotel itself is amazing too!

For lunch, I wandered into a promising alley and was rewarded with a delicious bowl of ramen, which was perfect on a cold, rainy day.

I am looking forward to learning more about Japanese holidays while we are here!


Heidi said...

I used to know more about Girls Day in Japan, but I do remember being fascinated by the dolls as a child. I got to see a couple of displays while I was there, though!

Giggles said...

If you celebrate Girls Day by displaying dolls than Iddo has taken to celebrating on a regular basis as she's started lining her friends up on the bench or on her bed on a rather regular basis.