Once upon a time, I planned on spending my birthday on the beach (24). It had been fun the first two times. Then, I decided I'd join some friends who were planning a weekend camping trip. I mostly just wanted to have a good time with good people to have a good birthday, because when past birthdays have included everything from having a boy visit me in London (20) to being dumped (21) to being fired (22) to having a car break down (23), you prefer to have the birthdays on the more positive end of the spectrum.
Then the camping trip fell through. And it was a little late to find a spot on the beach.
So, I took myself to New York. My goal: see as much theatre as possible, spend time with my friends, and eat a cupcake.
Mission Accomplished
Saturday, I took advantage of the PERFECT weather (sunny, warm, with a light breeze) and walked everywhere. You don't see much when you ride the subway all the time, so this gave me a chance to stroll from downtown, through Tribeca, into the West Village, and then up to Midtown. It's a long walk, but lovely. I probably walked 5 miles or more. Another benefit of walking? It was Fleet Week. The buildings and parks weren't the only sites to see. . .
I took in Coraline: The Musical for the matinee (after a manicure, because I had an extra hour and they are super cheap in the city), which I have decided to describe as highly conceptual. It was interesting and I did like it, but not as much as I had hoped I would. Some concepts weren't carried through and the music wasn't terribly memorable, but it wasn't bad, just not stellar.
My evening show was Blithe Spirit, which features Angela Lansbury, Rupert Everett and Christine Ebersole. It was an absolute delight, hilarious and well done. Easily my favorite show of the weekend. Tyne Daly was in the audience too.
Sunday, I went to church and saw Gnomie, who will be rejoining the throngs in DC this week. Then, I met up with CorryZahn for The 39 Steps, a farce version of the Alfred Hitchcock movie and completely entertaining. We topped off our evening with dinner with the Enders at The Cowgirl Hall of Fame and a walk to Magnolia for cupcakes (which I didn't end up eating until last night because I'm allergic to the New Jersey spring and had a massive headache for the rest of the evening and then didn't get a chance to nom on them on my actual birthday, but still).
It was great. I was happy.
Then, I woke up to this on my Golden Birthday (25 on the 25th!):
That's right. A balloon. African violets. And a delicious birthday breakfast of cinnamon buns, homemade French toast, scrambled eggs, bacon, and orange juice.
Once again, proof that I have friends who are made of awesome. I was in such a great mood on the way home and the drive was much shorter than my last one that I blasted my music and sang all the way back to NoVa, with the occasional phone call from birthday wishers. (Sisterpants started and ended those calls at 1:43 AM and 11:40 PM. Because she loves me.) I made it back just in time for my dance classes, and a seafood dinner with one of my best local girlfriends.
So, to say that I was a little sad to return to normal life and work on a rainy Tuesday is an understatement. Good thing I had birthday dinner leftovers and there is still cake in my fridge.
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