Friday, May 6, 2011

Mother, I love you; I love you, I do

Mom came to visit me! (Three weeks ago and I'm just now telling you about it. I'm awesome that way.)

Back when I was a fresh-faced little undergraduate theatre student, my mother offered to pay for my voice lessons. The condition was that I would learn "O Divine Redeemer" by Charles Gounod, one of her favorites. Even though I had three years of private vocal instruction and multiple recitals, I didn't sing that particular song for her until I was graduating from my Masters program. When we were given the opportunity to audition a solo for the Easter program of Mormon Choir of Washington, DC, I knew exactly which song I would pick, and, luckily, they picked me as one of the five soloists. 

Mom, ever supportive, then arranged with my dad to use all their frequent flier miles to spend three nights and two days in DC to hear me sing! Of course, when they wanted to Skype on a weekday morning on April Fool's Day to break the news, I didn't believe them right away. But it was true! Two weeks later, I picked her up at Dulles International Airport and we had an incredible weekend!

Saturday was rather rainy, but after I went to the gym and choir rehearsal and Mom slept in, we had dessert at The Dairy Godmother (where, bee-tee-dubs, I work part-time now) and for a walk around Eastern Market, which effectively shuts down all outdoor operations (translation: the coolest part) when it rains. So we holed up at Capitol Hill Books and I read Sandol Stoddard Warburg's I Like You to her.

We lunched on burgers and fries at Good Stuff Eatery. You can see the stack of books we adopted by my elbow.
Sunday morning, we wandered the National Arboretum, taking loads of pictures and enjoying the herb garden, bonsai exhibit, and the glory of spring in DC, since it was finally sunny.

And, of course, we went to my choir concerts, enjoyed just being the two of us together, and had way too much fun. I love my mom!!

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