If you don't know this woman, you should. She's the best friend I could ever ask for, and I'm so happy she's in my life.
I can still remember our first meeting, almost five years ago. It was only a matter of days before I realized how good a fit we are. Within weeks, we'd been called to be our ward's music committee and Visiting Teaching companions, among all the other connections we soon discovered. I was practically only knee high to a grasshopper, but she loved me anyway and we've both blossomed under each other's watch. This picture was taken about seven months after we first met. She made the dress I'm wearing, though we designed it together.

Fran is amazing. She's been through quite a lot, yet she always bounces back stronger and better than ever. We never run out of things to talk about and the current distance between us has never hindered us. I could go on for quite awhile about everything I love about Fran and all that she has done for me. The man who finally realizes just how awesome she is will be a lucky man indeed.
I love you Fran!
Scout THIS!

1 comment:
Dangit. You're making me cry at work. Love you!! SO MUCH!
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