Remember how two years ago I said I was going to be a better tourist in my own town?
Yeah, I didn't so much come up with a plan to make it happen. And now that I'm job hunting, it's more realistic that I won't live in DC forever, something I never planned on doing anyway (especially since up until 4 years and 5 weeks ago, I never planned on living here in the first place.)
Now, I don't exactly have a plan or even a list of things I still need to see or do, but I have been doing better lately.
First, this summer I've had a small crew of people to have DC adventures with. They and our adventures deserve a whole blog post of their own. I split these cupcakes with Apple on one such outing (and a couple with Mr. T on my way home.)

Second, it's SUMMER! I have more energy, the sun is out longer, and I'm not in school!
Third, my current apartment really is more accessible to DC, and I've been braver about driving instead of just taking the metro.
Overall, I'm having a blast!
So, two weeks ago I took that long drive through Shenandoah.
Last Saturday, some girlfriends and I helped celebrate National Dance Day on the Mall. We got to see Nigel and Russell from So You Think You Can Dance, watch several performances of local groups, and dance a hip hop routine from Tabitha and Napoleon Duomo as sort of a flash mob. So great!

Yesterday, my car had to get some routine maintenance done that would take hours (30K miles - woohoo!), so it was a perfect day to explore a new neighborhood (14th and U, near Logan Circle) that was having a sidewalk sale. It wasn't as exciting as I was hoping and the participating shops were far more spread out than other places like Old Town or Georgetown, but I still enjoyed poking around. Not surprisingly, the other shoppers were young single women like myself, cute little families with babies, and gay men. I did manage to find a lovely ring and some cute earrings, see what all the fuss was about at Ben's Chili Bowl, eat a couple delicious cupcakes, and see the African-American Civil War Memorial. I capped off the day by showing an intern friend the Library of Congress.

This coming Saturday? Howard County Fair! I am so looking forward to petting a goat and eating something deep fried.
1 comment:
Yea for stay-cations! If it makes you feel better, I think you could live there your whole life and still not see all there is to see in that part of the world.
Isn't it interesting how we'll make big plans to go see other parts of the world but bypass the things right outside our own doors so often?
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